Web Title:高中部英文科高中部英文科

寒假作業--Picture Story

A picture is worth a thousand words. In this winter break, we asked students to tell a story, to describe their feelings, or to convey their ideas through a photo of their own. Here are some excellent work produced by the students.

21337羅宣恩_picture story .pdf

212 侯冠宇.pdf

11404-高伃瑄 (1).pdf

21301-于千庭_picture story.pdf

21407 My Picture Story-2-寒假 哲偉.pdf

My Picture Story (4)恆鈞.pdf

My Picture Story212 吳承曄.pdf

Picture Story(21402 陳汨柔).pdf

Picture story_21325梁家榮.pdf

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