2016-11-21 Charlie Chaplin's FB Profile
2016-10-03 Google Classroom 線上資源使用
2016-06-15 Breaking News English!
2016-03-14 Google Classroom 已啟用
2015-09-03 高中英文閱讀教學文章分享
2014-12-12 Taiwan's glove pupppetry
2014-07-01 升高一暑假作業
2014-06-27 2014高一升高二暑假作業
2014-04-27 The Flipped Classroom--翻轉教室初探
With tremendous success of the Chinese classes by the Chinese teacher 張輝誠 at 中山女高, perhaps it is also time for English teachers to try another way of teaching and guiding students in classes!
By designing important questions for classroom discussion, the teacher guided the students through the text reading as well as vocabulary instruction. With these questions, students learned not only the content itself, but also grammar, patterns and some language use that help them write better later. Better yet, students were also required to respond to the reading in personal perspectives!
2014-04-24 差異化教學 The Crisis of Global Warming
To give students a chance for differentiated instruction, we designed a three-tiered worksheets in the hope of catering to the different english levels of students.