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() 提升學生英文表達能力,深化英文學習層次

() 養成學生主動關心時事,並深入研究議題的能力。

() 藉由校際英文辯論比賽,增加各校優秀學生相互學習的機會。





七、報名方式: 請各校在103320日前將報名表傳真或寄至鳳山高中以報名優先順序為原則

八、辯題:That the Taiwan government should make public sex offenders’ personal information.

動組洪滿江老師收傳真號碼:(07) 743-9148。請於傳真後與學務處以電話確認, 電話: (07)






一.     辯題

That the Taiwan government should make public sex offenders’ personal information.

二.     比賽規則說明

(一)  比賽地點:國立鳳山高級中學。。

(二)  比賽時間:2014419()下午1310分開始報到、1330分賽前說明、1410分開始比賽,遲到之隊伍視為棄權。


1.          正方一辯申論四分鐘

2.         正方一辯接受反方二辯交叉質詢二分鐘

3.          反方一辯申論四分鐘

4.         反方一辯接受正方一辯交叉質詢二分鐘

5.          正方二辯申論四分鐘

6.         正方二辯接受反方一辯交叉質詢二分鐘

7.          反方二辯申論四分鐘

8.         反方二辯接受正方二辯交叉質詢二分鐘

9.         準備時間五分鐘

10.     反方三辯結辯三分鐘

11.      正方三辯結辯三分鐘

若參賽隊伍未依照以上辯論順序進行, 該部分將不予以計分。

(三)  場次及正反方:2014327()由主辦單位抽籤決定初賽各場次及正反方。複賽之場次及正反方於初賽後抽籤決定。

(四)  裁判:每場比賽有三位裁判,將聘請大學教授及高中老師或有相關背景之社會人士擔任評審。初賽及複賽每場比賽由三位評審評分。

(五)  進行方式:


(六)  辯論時,禁止使用視覺輔助道具。

(七)  各隊應準備Evidence Cards,以備裁判審查佐證資料(整場辯論之後,做出勝負判決之前)之用。

(八)  計時方式:辯論當中計時員將舉牌,顯示剩下時間。申論時,計時牌分別顯示剩下二分鐘、一分鐘及半分鐘。質詢時,計時牌分別顯示剩下一分鐘及半分鐘。結辯時,計時牌分別顯示剩下二分鐘、一分鐘及半分鐘。時間到時,計時員將響鈴,之後每十秒鐘響鈴一次,一超過三十秒即強迫下台,超過時間,每十秒鐘扣總分一分。輪到任何一隊做申論、質詢或結辯時,計時員將響鈴,鈴響後該隊應立即上台,若不按時間出場,每晚十秒鐘扣總分一分

(九)  攜帶物品:學生請務必攜帶身份證或學生證。辯論時可攜帶字典及資料。

三.     比賽場地注意事項

(一)  場地內沒有麥克風。

(二)  教室內不得飲食,請勿攜帶食物入內。

(三)  比賽開始後將關閉後門,除主辯單位的工作人員外,禁止任何人出入。

(四)  為避免影響辯論同學,比賽開始後請勿走動或交談,並請確實關手機。

(五)  比賽進行中請勿鼓掌喧鬧。

(六)  若欲錄影請於賽前架設完畢,欲照相者切勿使用閃光燈,以免打擾比賽之進行。

(七)  競賽場地待安排確認後,再行通知各參賽學校。

四.     比賽當日注意事項


The First Southern Taiwan English Debate Tournament Activity Rules

1.       Resolved:

That the Taiwan government should make public sex offenders’ personal information.

2.      Rules:

(1)        Place: National Experimental High School at Central Taiwan Science Park

(2)       Time: Sign in at 13:10 on April 19th (Sat.) 2014, Rules Explained at 13:30, and Debate starts at 14:10. The one that is late will be eliminated.

(3)        The outline of the debate is as follows:

For the senior high

[A]      First Affirmative constructive speech 4 minutes

[B]       Second Negative cross examines First Affirmative 2 minutes

[C]       First Negative constructive speech 4 minutes

[D]      First Affirmative cross examines First Negative 2 minutes

[E]       Second Affirmative constructive speech 4 minutes

[F]       First Negative cross examines Second Affirmative 2 minutes

[G]      Second Negative constructive speech 4 minutes

[H]      Second Affirmative cross examines Second Negative 2 minutes

[I]         Preparation period for rebuttal speech 5 minutes

[J]        Third Negative Rebuttal 3 minutes

[K]      Third Affirmative Rebuttal 3 minutes

If any team doesn’t follow the sequence of the debate above, then the grade of this part won’t be calculated.

(4)       On March 27st (Mon.) 2014, the host will draw “Affirmative” or “Negative” for each school. (You can send one person to come on that day) For the second round, we will draw “Affirmative” or “Negative” on April. 19th (Sat.) following the first round.

(5)        Judges: Each competition will have 3 judges. We will invite professors and senior high school teachers to be judges.

(6)       Grading Criteria

[A]      In each competition of the first and second round, there will be 3 judges. All the judges are assigned by the host. Judges will not be scoring their own school.

[B]       For the judging criteria, please refer to the judging sheet.

[C]       Judging standard: If the total points are 10, give 9-10 for an excellent performance; 7-8 for a great performance; 5-6 for a good performance; 3-4 for an ordinary performance; 1-2 for a weaker performance.

[D]      If the total points are 5, give 5 for an excellent performance; 4 for a great performance; 3 for a good performance; 2 for an ordinary performance; 1 for a weaker performance. Judges should make a clear resolution without giving the same score to both of the teams.

[E]       Judges can give a 0.5 point to each grading category.

[F]       The total score of a team is based on the teamwork.

(7)        Procedure:

There will be 12 teams for total. Each team will have three debaters or more. A single knock-out system will be adopted to all the competitions. Only the first and the second prizes will be given. If the number of the teams is even, there will be a first and a second round to compete for the prizes. If the number is odd, a seeded team will be determined through drawing lots. The seeded team will join the second round after the first round is completed.

(8)       To encourage the participants, the losing teams of the first round will join a second round of losing teams to gain the honor of the Honorable Mention Debater. Meanwhile, the winning teams of the first round will also join a second round of winning teams to gain the honor of the Best Debate Team or the honor of the Best Debater.

(9)       Each team needs to prepare evidence cards for judges’ random examination (after the debate and before the winner is announced).

(10)    Debaters must bring their Student ID cards or ID cards. Also, they are allowed to bring dictionaries and information.

(11)    No visual aids allowed during the debates (e.g. posters or charts).

(12)    Students must wear uniforms.

3.       Attention:

(1)        Inside the classroom, there will be no microphone.

(2)       Eating and drinking are not allowed in the classroom.

(3)        We will close the door right after the competition begins. Nobody is admitted except for our coordinators.

(4)       In order not to disturb debaters, chatting and walking around the classroom are not allowed during the debate. Also, please make sure to turn off your cell-phone as well.

(5)        No clapping during the debate.

(6)       If you want to record, please set up the machine before it begins. Also, do not use a flash when you are taking photos.

(7)        Debate classrooms will be assigned to each school team after confirmation.

4.      Each school will have one team first. If you want to have a second team, you will have to wait until each school signs up.

5.       Each school needs to assign one English teacher to judge.

6.      If you have any question, please feel free to contact with Miss Hung (07) 7463150 # 360

7.       Schedule:






March 17th to March 20 th


Sign up

By fax (07)743-9148


March 21st


Inform each school if they have a second team in

By e-mail


March 26th  

Final list of final debaters (cannot be changed after the date)

By fax (07)743-9148


March 27th

16:30 ~ 17:00

Draw “Affirmative” or “Negative”

At Principal’s Office of FSSH


April 19th

13:10~ 17:00

The First Sothern Taiwan English Debate Tournament

On the campus of FSSH



學校簡稱_________________________ (請書寫六字學校簡稱,以利獎狀印刷)



          電話:(O) ____________________ (手機) ______________________


          學生辯士1_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (1)

          學生辯士2_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (2)

學生辯士3_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (結辯)

學生辯士1_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________

學生辯士2_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________



          電話:(O) ____________________ (手機) ______________________


          學生辯士1_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (1)

          學生辯士2_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (2)

學生辯士3_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________ (結辯)

學生辯士1_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________

學生辯士2_________ 中英文姓名:_____________________


電話:(O) ____________________ (手機) ______________________




電話:(O) ____________________ (手機) ______________________



1. 請於2014320日下午17時前傳真(07)743-9148傳真後請與學務處社團活動組洪滿江老師(07)746-3150#360以電話確認。

2. 若學生姓名尚未確定,請先報名,並請於326前補送學生辯士名單。

3. 將於2014321通知是否錄取同校第二隊。

4. 請務必以清楚字體寫明中英文姓名,俾以獎狀製作。


校長                  教務主任                   承辦人

(簽章)                  (簽章)                     (簽章)




13:10 – 13:20


13:30 – 14:00


14:10 – 15:10


15:10 – 15:15


15:45 – 16:45


16:45 – 17:00
