2014-06-30 升高三英文暑假作業
親愛的同學, 學測已近, 要利用暑假未上課前, 好好強化英文哦!
(請將選擇題答案和得分寫在答案紙上, 另外作文也要寫!)
複習三民第一冊, 和七千單1~24回
七月底有第一次模考, 要好好準備! Good Luck!
2014-04-29 English News: Korean High School Students & Taiwan Politics
Please read the articles first and prepare the questions for the classroom discussion.
Questions: 1. How do Korean students suffer from their heavy schoolwork?
2. In contrast, do you think Taiwanese are under similar pressure?
2013-03-20 賀!高二2楊詠晴參加書林全國高中職英文讀書心得比賽獲得第五名 ...
The kite runner
This is a story about love, honor, guilt
and forgiveness. Since an accident happened after a kite tournament in 1975,
Amir started to live in guilt. He could never forget that deserted alley where
his loyal friend, Hassan, got raped, but what he could do at that time was to
run away like a coward.
When I read this book, I’ve cried several
times. In fact, Amir and Hassan were half siblings. They had the same father.
However, because Hassan’s mother was a servant’s wife, Amir’s father chose to
keep this scandal as a secret to keep his reputation. This decision stole the
right of Hassan to live like his brother, but maybe it was the only way that
was acceptable by most people in Afghanistan. This secret had been hidden for
26 years, and finally, it was still uncovered by Amir. Unfortunately, Hassan
had already died, because he wanted to protect his master’s house from the Talibans,
the last time he devoted himself to Amir and his father. Amir heard this news
from his father’s best friend who later asked him to find Hassan’s son, Sohrab.
On the way to find Sohrab, Amir experienced the most dangerous thing. The guy
who took Sorhab away from the orphanage was the one that raped Hassan 26 years
ago and he was a Taliban, too. Fortunately, Amir brought Sohrab back safely to
America in the end.
I found the seriousness of discrimination
in Afghanistan after reading this book. I wonder what the difference between
Hazaras and Pashtuns is. Hassan was a Hazara and he had no choice but to be a
servant since he was born. Reading this, I think I’m very lucky to live in
Taiwan because I don’t need to worry about somebody hurting me just because of
racial inequality.
I think Amir’s characteristic reflects
most people’s psychology. Amir envied Hassan because Hassan always gained more praise
from his father than Amir did. When Amir was in face of danger, he chose to run
away and lied to himself that nothing had happened even though the one who was
harmed was his best friend. He regretted when he betrayed Hassan and lived in
guilt for a long time. Don’t you think those emotions and struggles seem
familiar? In my opinion, this book not only talks about the emotions of the characters
but shows the true humanity to us, and I believe this is the most successful
part of this novel.
In this book, the most powerful role to me
is Hassan. Although he knew his “Amir Agha”, Master Amir, betrayed him, he
still tried to rebuild their relationship. He used his whole life to love the
word “Amir”—the first word he said after he was born. When I read this part, I
could not help but let the tears roll down my cheeks. Why did he keep devoting
himself until he died? Why should such a good person be treated like that? If I
were him, I would be disappointed at this world and might retreat, having no
urge to make progress. I appreciate Hassan’s courage and wish myself could
learn something from him.
The most important thing that I’ve learnt
from this book is forgiveness. Forgiving others and forgiving ourselves is the
only way that could keep life moving. Amir had lived in pain for 26 years. When
he closed his eyes, he dreamed that he was the monster pulling Hassan down to
the water. I think Amir gave himself too much pressure. He forgot that when he
saw Hassan being bullied, he was just a 12-year-old boy. I believe it would be
better for everyone if he forgave himself.
In this novel, Hassan was Amir’s kite runner. He was willing to do everything for Amir simply because he thought they were friends. Everyone has a kite runner who would do anything for you a thousand times over, be it your parents, friends or even your dog. Therefore, we should be grateful to everyone around us, and appreciate for whatever they do for us.
2012-12-21 賀!本校高中部213張又驊榮獲101學年度高中英文作文比賽南區決賽佳作 ...
2012-12-12 大考中心英聽測驗
102年選用高中英聽測驗檢定科系一覽表.pdf2012-12-11 多益中學聯合考於2013年2月3日舉行
2012-08-08 2012外交小尖兵題目
2012-03-11 賀南科實中英文檢定(多益)表現優異--林元鴻同學達990分滿分! ... ... ...
賀實中第二屆同學在多益檢定表現優異, 期許能更上層樓!
林元鴻: 990分, 呂翊琳: 895分, 黃毓雯: 860分, 黃昱璇: 850分, 吳佳穎: 850分,
詹繡翠: 845分, 王鈺華: 845分, 吳祁倫: 820分.
恭禧以上同學 成績現優良, 獲得多益官方1400元獎學金.
2012-03-03 Test-tube beef handout
2011-12-30 寒假作業—英文讀書心得
What to read: Oxford reader series in the library, or English books that your teacher approves.
Format: Download the document below and follow the required format. Your report has to be at least 500-word long (not 500 letters!).
Content: A brief summary and your reflection
Deadline: For those who want to participate as a group and get a book as a reward, hand in the report by Tuesday, January 31th, 2012. For the rest, your deadline will be Tuesday, February 7th, 2012, right before the new semester starts.
Mail your report to teacher 汝婷 at routine@ms.nnkieh.tnc.edu.tw
Mail your report to teacher 晏慈 at ychang@ms.nnkieh.tnc.edu.tw
For more information about the 書林讀書心得比賽,go to http://www.bookman.com.tw/2012reading/ways.html