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Response to Robert Frost's Poem

            Dust of Snow

                                           By Robert Frost
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.


Appreciation               from 21114佩蓉 18羽萱 22博予


Interpretation A:

1.    Rearrangement:

The dust of snow from a hemlock tree shook down on me in a crow way. It has given my heart a change of mood and saved some part of a day I had rued.


2.    Vocabulary:

crow 筆直地、成直線地 hemlock tree鐵杉樹 rue後悔


3.    Thought:

     We consider this poem isabout redemption. Based on this viewing aspect, we have the following thought.

Just like what we know, pure and elegant, snow is equipped with all of the characteristics that angels own. However, snow is formed of dust, ice crystal and so on that are drossy. Even the snow, which likes an angel, still has its defect, dust. So, why do we keep getting stuck ourselves in the miseries. We all are mortal people; hence, it is acceptable for us to make some mistakes, if they are not too serious.




Interpretation B:

1.    Vocabulary:

crow 烏鴉 rue遺憾

2.    Thought:

This poem is mainly about the change of attitude.

      Crow is a kind of bird that has black feathers and hemlock tree is poisonous. Therefore, in “Dust of snow”, “crow” and “hemlock tree” mean something evil or bad. However, these wicked things bring the bright and pure snow. “the snow from a hemlock tree.” “a crow shook the snow down on me”. Anything evil may contain something good in it, which may make a big difference.  Therefore, we shouldn’t be fooled by our prejudice but look deep into the true value.

     In our lifetime we will face many difficulties. Don’t feel disappointed.  Transform our mood, observe in a positive way and we will find there’s beauty lying in everything.


Fire and Ice

By Robert Frost


Some say the world will end in fire,
some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
to say that for destruction ice
is also great

211  李夢珊  周紫喬 林婉渝  陳子鈞 












Our Opinions:

This poet used a contrast image to describe what would destroy the world. The fire symbolizes desire, and the ice symbolizes hatred. Once someone knows better about the taste of desire, then this desire would lead humans to an unimaginable consequence-that might cause someone’s end. Just like ice will come after fire, means that desire will cause hatred. Too much desire gives birth to battle, and battle comes along with hatred. All in all, the world will be destroyed because of humans’ greed.