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實用的各學科教學網站: Khanacademy!


內有各主題(如牛頓運動定律, 數學定理, 社會科學...), 皆以英文清楚詳細教學, 各位同學可以多加利用, 體驗美國學科教學方式, 更可提升英文能力, 歡迎多加利用!

It's a great website that can help students learn at their pace! Subjects such as science, math, finance, humanities are all included. Take advantage of all the teachings listed, while learning English at the same time!

Introduction to its founder: Time 100, 2012.  Original Link:,28804,2111975_2111976_2111942,00.html

Time 100              Salman Khan       By Bill Gates

Like a lot of great innovators, Salman Khan didn't set out to change the world. He was just trying to help his teenage cousin with her algebra from across the country. But from a closet turned office in his Silicon Valley apartment, Sal, 35, has produced an amazing library of online lectures on math, science and a host of other subjects. In the process, he has turned the classroom — and the world of education — on its head.

The aspiration of is to give every kid a chance at a free, world-class education. The site has over 3,000 short lessons that allow kids to learn at their own pace. Practice exercises send students back to the pertinent video when they're having trouble. And there's a detailed dashboard for teachers who use Khan Academy in their classrooms.  

Early pilot programs in California classrooms show terrific promise. I've used Khan Academy with my kids, and I'm amazed at the breadth of Sal's subject expertise and his ability to make complicated topics understandable.

Sal Khan is a true education pioneer. He started by posting a math lesson, but his impact on education might truly be incalculable.