活動目的/Objectives 台美往來交流頻繁,舉凡語言、飲食、政治、教育、流行文化元素均有相當程度的交互影響,加上近期國人赴美免簽政策實施,大大增進台美人民的交流機會,且因應全球人才流動趨勢,學生英文能力之養成將有助學生未來職場上的發展。為培養學生英文表達組織能力、提供學生一個交流觀摩平台,特以「從台灣觀點看美國」為題,讓學生從台灣的觀點出發,以英文探討美國的不同面向,以及該面向對台灣的影響。 Taiwan and the United States have been maintaining considerably frequent interflow in many aspects: language, food, politics, education, and popular culture etc.. Recently, the implementation of the visa-free travel into the USA has largely increased exchange opportunities between people of the two countries. In response to the trend of global talents flow, students’ English skills development will be beneficial to their competition in the future workplace.
The goal of the contest, titled as “ The United States of America, as Viewed from Taiwan”, is to train students’ English expression and organization skills, and to provide them with an exchange and observation platform. Students participating in the contest can explore different aspects of the United States in English as well as their impacts on Taiwan from the viewpoint of Taiwan. |