2013 Spelling Bee
第3屆 全國技職院校暨高中職英語拼字競賽辦法
贊助單位: 眾文圖書、敦煌書局、東華書局、朝陽應英系系友會
報名方式:請至朝陽科技大學應用英語系網頁(http://www.ae.cyut.edu.tw),點選左側「活動報名系統」按鈕,選擇“技職院校組” 或“高中職組”報名(不接受email、電話、或傳真等報名方式)。
報名人數:“技職院校組” 與 “高中職組”各300人,額滿為止。
競賽辦法:分成 “技職院校組” 與 “高中職組”兩組競賽。
1. 全國大專院校學生皆可參加 “技職院校組”,全國高中職學生皆可參加 “高中職組”,但不得跨組競賽,比賽當日請攜帶學生證及身分證雙證件。
2. 兩組比賽皆採初賽筆試與決賽拼字PK比賽兩階段,初賽筆試成績前32名始能參加"決賽拼字PK比賽"。
3. 初賽筆試題型皆為選擇題,請自備2B鉛筆及橡皮擦。
4. 決賽拼字PK賽為兩人一組單淘汰制。同組兩人須上台拼字PK,當場由老師出題,輸者淘汰,勝者晉級。
5. 比賽參考用書:
"技職院校組" --眾文出版的《字彙的力量》,ISBN:9789866104008。
"高中職組" – 1.敦煌出版的《NEW TOEIC 必考3000字彙》,ISBN:9789576066467。2.東華出版的《朗文捷進英檢字彙:每週讀書計畫中高級》,ISBN:9789862801284。
6. 比賽相關資訊將隨時公告在活動報名網頁內。
7. 主辦單位保有變更修正本競賽辦法、獎項內容等之權利。
1. 第一名:3500元及獎狀
2. 第二名:2500元及獎狀
3. 第三名:1500元及獎狀
4. 第四名:1000元及獎狀
5. 第五至八名:800元及獎狀
6. 第九至十六名:200元圖書禮卷及獎狀
7. 第十七至三十二名:100元圖書禮卷及獎狀
聯絡電話:如有疑問請洽04-23323000分機7364 林小姐
The attached is a handout to teach our school's green building, and students were asked to write about their favorite and least favorite aspect of our school's green building.
Green Buildings.pdf
Students' responses
My favorite aspect of green building is the large windows. They can
introduce sunlight and help with ventilation.
Large windows not only make the classrooms cooler and brighter, but
also make our classrooms look more energetic. When my friends come to our
school, they always feel jealous of us.
and Insects:
We have many trees, flowers and different landscaping. However, they
attract a lot of bugs and wireworms, especially on a hot summer day or after
My favorite part is the green plants all over the campus. Each kind
of plant is special. I also like the flower which has scent. Walking in the school
which is full of youthful vigor, I feel so happy and lucky.
I like that there are lots of trees and flowers in our school. You can
see different flowers around the year.
My least favorite aspect is the drains along the corridor and the
stairs. They can’t solve the problem of rainwater. Instead, trash and dirt pile
up there. It makes cleaning really hard.
The drains on the hallways are not useful enough. We often see the
drains not working properly on rainy days.
My favorite place is the pool which is surrounded by many creatures.
But I suggest that we put a sign and write “no trash” on it.
I think our ecological pool is my least favorite part in our school.
It is too dirty. The water lacks circulation. I think we should add the gap and
take away the rocks that block the flowing.
In our school, my favorite part is the ecological pool. It was so
beautiful when I first came here. I had never seen any other school with a pool
like this, but now, my least favorite part is it, too. The water becomes so
dirty. We should let the water flow and clean the garbage, or the green pool
will become a dirty pool.
I like the restroom. It is ventilative so it won’t have a bad smell.
However, the latticed wall let in too much cold air in winter, and we may find
a way to cut cold air like installing windows so that we can control the
My favorite aspect of green building in our school is the restroom. Because
one of its walls is made of hollow bricks, it allows wind to go through it,
keeping the restroom cool and windy in summer. However, the shortcoming of the
restroom is that the cold wind would freeze your buttocks in winter.
The ventilation of restroom is important. I had deep experience on
it. My junior high school is not a green building and sometimes there is a bad
smell in the restroom. Also, good ventilation will make the wet floor dry fast.
I think the terrace beside our classroom is great because it has a
clear canopy. Sunlight can pass through it and brighten the corner. But it is
also inconvenient since the passageway gets wet every time it rains.
My least favorite part of green building in our school is the gym. It’s
warm in winter but it’s really hot and humid in summer. Maybe open all the
windows will be better, but they are too high to open and close.
Library is my favorite part of our school, but it’s really dark and
hot inside. With the blueprint, the architect said that sunshine would come
inside and that it would be bright in the library. Actually, it seems to be
impossible. Almost the whole library is under the shading of senior high
department, and it makes sunshine hard to get inside. The position of the
library makes it disadvantageous.
Every classroom has its own sink and we can clean our mop there. The
school designs the sink to recycle the water to wash our mop, but we don’t have
a stopper to keep our water. Maybe the school should give us a stopper. In this
way, we will make sure to recycle waste water.