Web Title:高中部英文科高中部英文科

2012-06-07 A Great Listening Website: CNN Student News


Link: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/     


For those who want to experience authentic English, CNN Students News is highly recommended. In addition to its well-organized and appealing content, it also provides full scripts in case you encounter diffcult words or phrases.  

Make good use of the resources provided here on this website, and your English will surely advance far beyond your imagination.

Brief Introduction: 

 What is CNN Student News?

CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program for middle and high school students produced by the journalists and educators at CNN. This award-winning show and its companion website are available free of charge throughout the school year.

What materials are available to use with the show?

At CNNStudentNews.com, you'll find a wealth of teacher materials presented free of charge, including Daily Transcripts for each show, Daily Discussion questions, the Media Literacy Question of the Day, downloadable Maps and additional support materials to help students understand the news.

In addition, the educators at CNN offer Discussion Guides for CNN documentaries and initiatives, including Black in America, Latino in America and CNN Heroes.   


2012-05-30 中等學校暑期英文研習營


歡迎同學報名參加教育部主辨 暑期英文研習營




三、名額:各校遴選具英語潛力之學生參加。本校名額為1名正取, 1名候補.





1. 時間: 8月4日至8月8日 (會影響到暑期輔導課)

2. 地點: 高雄市澄清湖青年活動中心



2012-05-29 Of Happiness, Sadness, and Dreams--A Story about Jimmy's Life


    This lesson aims to introduce students to the graphic world of Jimmy and his life philosophy through the reading his personal life, drawing books, and videos, along with dramatic activities and group discussions to help them learn from Jimmy how he conquered and matured from his fatal illness. It's hoped that students can learn from Jimmy his spirit of "requesting the meaning of life" and "sticking to his dream and ideal." Students are also encouraged to reflect on their own life and think about what changes they would like to make if they were given the opportunities.  


2012-04-26 實用的各學科教學網站: Khanacademy!


Link: http://www.khanacademy.org/

內有各主題(如牛頓運動定律, 數學定理, 社會科學...), 皆以英文清楚詳細教學, 各位同學可以多加利用, 體驗美國學科教學方式, 更可提升英文能力, 歡迎多加利用!

It's a great website that can help students learn at their pace! Subjects such as science, math, finance, humanities are all included. Take advantage of all the teachings listed, while learning English at the same time!

Introduction to its founder: Time 100, 2012.  Original Link: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2111942,00.html

Time 100              Salman Khan       By Bill Gates

Like a lot of great innovators, Salman Khan didn't set out to change the world. He was just trying to help his teenage cousin with her algebra from across the country. But from a closet turned office in his Silicon Valley apartment, Sal, 35, has produced an amazing library of online lectures on math, science and a host of other subjects. In the process, he has turned the classroom — and the world of education — on its head.

The aspiration of khanacademy.org is to give every kid a chance at a free, world-class education. The site has over 3,000 short lessons that allow kids to learn at their own pace. Practice exercises send students back to the pertinent video when they're having trouble. And there's a detailed dashboard for teachers who use Khan Academy in their classrooms.  

Early pilot programs in California classrooms show terrific promise. I've used Khan Academy with my kids, and I'm amazed at the breadth of Sal's subject expertise and his ability to make complicated topics understandable.

Sal Khan is a true education pioneer. He started by posting a math lesson, but his impact on education might truly be incalculable.

2012-04-20 時代雜誌百大人物: Yani-Tseng & Jeremy Lin--Time Magazine



File: 2012 Time 100 Most Influential People.docx

It's great to know why Jeremy Lin and Yani-Tseng were chosen among the most influential people in the world. Read and learn from them!

Original links:

曾雅妮: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2112106,00.html

林書豪: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2111945,00.html

Time 100: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2111975,00.html

2012-04-13 Happy 100th birthday to Oreo


March 6, 1912 was the date when the first Oreo cookie was sold in New Jersey. In this handout, students are introduced to the history of this popular cookie, including the pattern design on the cookie. They are also encouraged to create a new look and demonstrate their favorite way of eating an Oreo cookie.







2012-03-14 101年高二話劇比賽影音檔


Congratulations for all the good performances!

Link to the following websites and download whatever you wish to treasure and enjoy!

211A: http://youtu.be/HtwmWDoBAww An Alien Hunter

211B: http://youtu.be/ObBiBwydcR8 King Lear

212A: http://youtu.be/McLzxH0-FjQ Little Mermaid

212B: http://youtu.be/59wkOcBki6Y Always an Angel

213A: http://youtu.be/ic4VckB1YCA Fortune Cookie

213B: http://youtu.be/qqUCovoHVuI Haleluya

2012-03-13 高一英語歌唱表演比賽各班影音檔


Congratulations on all the good performances!

Link to the following web addressess and enjoy your own performances!

111: http://youtu.be/Brg6sYARW1g

112: http://youtu.be/CYSXF6R_w-k

113: http://youtu.be/zpfvPmQnGR4

114: http://youtu.be/zNDs9evLi2k



話劇比賽部份上傳中, 照片也會近日公佈.

2012-03-11 賀南科實中英文檢定(多益)表現優異--林元鴻同學達990分滿分! ... ... ...


賀實中第二屆同學在多益檢定表現優異, 期許能更上層樓!

林元鴻: 990分, 呂翊琳: 895分, 黃毓雯: 860分, 黃昱璇: 850分, 吳佳穎: 850分,

詹繡翠: 845分,  王鈺華: 845分, 吳祁倫: 820分.

恭禧以上同學 成績現優良, 獲得多益官方1400元獎學金.



2012-03-03 Test-tube beef handout

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